Nostalgia Tastes Sweet In Last Year’s Tragedy’s New Song “Pounds For Flesh”

There is novelty and sheen in the recently released single from Last Year’s Tragedy. From the nimble production work of Andromeda Studios emerges a work that cements towards a new direction; a silkier sound metalcore that feels like a breath of fresh air. But inside heart old fathers of Kenyan Metal LYT beats strong and it has touched a cord.
As all LYT songs from days hence there is the knowing touch of they’re historical ways. It would go amiss not to mention first Ruto’s keys which are always the unmistakeable clue that you are listening to LYT. It carries the rest of the parts on its harmonious wings. There is even more direct homage to the much loved ballad and enthralling concert of March From The Underground and it almost seems like these guys knows the heart of their music as well as the hearts of their fans.
For those that love their music, it feels so satisfying to see these old tomes there and back again. The lyricism is a touch of gold. It almost feels like time can heal everything.
It has hit home.
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