Kenyan Rock Artists Are Finding Interesting Ways of Keeping Fans Entertained

The last few months have been so fucked maan. Fuck Covid-19 and the hole it came from; I am curious, how is everyone doing? How are y’all doing mentally, physically and financially? Don’t worry though Nothing lasts forever. All this shit will eventually end we will get back to our normal life and we will headbang like crazy.
We need lots of entertainment during this period to keep our spirits up. Rock artists have been doing their bit in keeping us entertained. They haven’t shied away from experimenting and this has given us a whole different view of them that we didn’t know some of them had.
Rish for instance has done several different things to keep her audience engaged. She joined the twitter lip sync battle and uploaded a number of videos on Youtube; some of her doing covers of various songs. In a surprising twist she recently uploaded a video of her singing a spanish song together with Jesus Maximilliano (Rash band) and I must say it was too perfect. Rish may be a capable singer but I never thought she would sound so so perfect, almost like the songbirds in those spanish telenovelas. Well that’s why we call her the queen of Kenyan rock.
Reema Doshi (Murfy’s Flaw) has also been serving us weekly acapella dosages on her youtube channel. Her voice can make you forget about covid-19. Reema don’t get tired we need more of those videos.
Petrika band vocalist Brian Saibo and guitarist Collins Muthuri have also posted videos of them doing acoustic of both original and cover songs. At least the represented the lads.
The big question is where are the lads? We’ve got lots of male vocalists but where are you hiding? I personally want to be serenaded by those handsome voices.
Male guitarists on the other hand have barely let the moment slip. Djae Blakkbatman (Crystal Axis) , George Gachiri , Komora (Rash) and Collins Muthuri have all filled the emptiness of quarantine with beautiful riffs and solos. Thank you for those videos you have been posting keep shredding till all strings fall off. We need more from you and all other guitarists.
Deejays have also been on overdrive. Edygrim has kept us entertained with Alphawolf radio podcast. He posts videos on Monday’s, Wednesdays and Fridays. Dj Kevntyce has done a number of livestreams. Dj Hueskilz did the same while also doing the Rock Tour show on Y254 every Saturday evening with Phyline Jean as the host. But I honestly expected more mixes from you. Come on guys feed us, especially with music that you rarely play, enough of the sing-alongs; make us use those shazam, musixmatch etc apps, make us do more research on different genres of rock/metal.
The fans let us just not sit there and wait for bands/ djs to entertain us, let us entain ourselves too, let us have have lip sync battles, I started one on twitter only Rish, Bizarro and Dorris Bakhita joined in. We should do another even if it is a zoom one, a virtual karaoke or something to keep us entertained and sane during this period.
Otherwise keep rocking and stay safe